Council/Assembly Ad Information

Page Title
 Utah Knights of Columbus

In Service to One. In Service To All.

On May 2-4 2014, approximately 175 members of the Knights of
Columbus, a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization, will come from all corners of Utah to meet in Provo, Utah for our 107h annual State Convention. Utah’s over 3,000 Knights of Columbus volunteer their time and talents to improve hundreds of communities in Utah, helping people of all races and creeds who are less fortunate. 

Hospitality Donation — Program Booklet Advertising

Worthy Grand Knights, Faithful Navigators, Brother Knights All –
District #4 is planning the 2014 Convention this May, including the convention program book with advertising.  As has been mentioned previously, the financial success of the convention is directly related to the sales of advertisements for the program booklet. 
If the councils help with just two ads each (one from the council, one from a business) the funds raised would allow the convention committee to cover all anticipated meeting   room costs at the hotel, and have funds to donate to Bishop Wester.
Please be sure to use the correct form for the business ads .
There are separate pages for the business ads – as the pricing isn’t the same (Knights pay less).
The cost to Councils/Assemblies reflects a 20% discount from the business ad pricing.  Please use the Council/Assembly order form only when submitting an ad for the council/assembly.  Included on the form is a place for Hospitality Room Donations ($25/council is suggested), and for Individual Member Support of the booklet (at $5 a name ($10 for a couple) the same price as last year).
We would very much appreciate the money coming in for the council/assembly ads early!  Last year most of the councils participated, as did the assemblies – but I remember the messages that came out just before the deadline as most of them didn’t happen until April!

water our flock
For those councils/assemblies that haven’t budgeted for this expense, one possibility would be for individual members to donate towards the cost of the ad and mention them in the ad itself (thanking them by name).  This would have no impact to the council/assembly’s bank balance, and would still allow for recognition of every council & assembly.  You decide how your space is used – just remember we’re Knights. 

Vivat Jesus!

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